Michael & Jello Music Videos!
Click here to view the "Bananas Unite" video!
This video features children of various ages dancing, having fun, and performing the actions to peel, chop, slice, eat and finally go bananas! While you watch the video see if you can perform the banana actions along with the dancers!
You can also view, rate and comment on this video on YouTube. Go ahead and tell us what you think! We're always happy to hear your comments.
Click here to view the "Five Little Monkeys" video!
Those monkeys are always getting into trouble! Practice counting skills as you watch 5, 4, 3, 2, and finally 1 little monkey jumping on the bed!
You can also view, rate and comment on this video on YouTube. Go ahead and tell us what you think! We're always happy to hear your comments.
Click here to view the "A Little Bit Up & A Little Bit Down" video!
This lively and colourful video features actions and dance moves so everyone can join in the fun!
You can also view, rate and comment on this video on YouTube. Go ahead and tell us what you think! We're always happy to hear your comments. |
Looking for SONG LYRICS to your favourite Michael & Jello songs?
Want to find FUN MUSIC ACTIVITES for kids?
All our song lyrics and activities are now online! Check it out! |
Music Activity - Aerophones!
Aerophones are instruments used all over the world that
require air to make their sound. Here is a great way to make your own
aerophone that doesn't cost anything and will explore science and sound.
It is also made from recycled goods which reduces waste.
Instrument: Straw Reed
Directions: 1) Collect one or more straws, (larger ones
often work well), wash them well with soap and water
2) Take a child sized scissors and cut the straw into 2 different lengths
3) Then squeeze one end of the straw flat and cut it into a point, as
pointy as possible
4) Squeeze the cut end again, insert into the mouth and blow
Note: different sizes of straws make different notes

Question: How do you make a Kleenex/tissue dance?
Answer: Put a little boogie in it!
Question: What is the best way to clean a tuba?
Answer: With a tuba toothpaste!
Great CD ROMS to Check Out
- Any Jumpstart CD ROM @ www.jumpstart.com
by Knowledge Adventure - Big Action Construction by The Learning
Company/ Fisher-Price
- New Beat Transmission @ www.microforum.com
( A rave music program)
Links to Great Children's Sites
: This site is the home of Empire Music where great instruments for children
can be purchased, including world percussion!
www.familyfun.com : This
U.S. magazine is one of the best in its class and should be read by anyone
working with or raising children. Fabulous activities that are all child-centred
...and the magazine is very affordable.